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Evaluate the efficiency of lettuce cleaning techniques. The project goals include assessing the cleanliness of salad preparation techniques by comparing the total number of bacterial colonies produced ...

Investigate the rate of vitamin c degradeation in natural and processed orange juices.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to ...

Multiple human subjects/mammals may participate in this study. The research plan should be reviewed by a medical professional/veterinarian to determine if the project is minimal risk and human subject ...

The project goals include measuring the concentration of vitamin c in organic and processed orange juices and determination of the subsequent change in vitamin c concentration over time.It is an educa ...

This investigation involves the comparison of the height and slope of a roller coaster to determine if there is a relationship or correlation between the height of the roller coaster and the slope of ...

Identify a starch plant that produces the largest quantity of ethanol. The goals of the project include evaluating the efficiency of fermentation as it relates to the volume of ethanol produced and to ...

Determine what stimulus will cause the greatest growth response in a plant. The goal of the project involves measuring the growth response of a plant as its roots grow in response to water and gravity ...

Obtain quantitative evidence to support the age old myth, red apples are sweeter than green apples. The project goals include identification of the pH for apples of varying shades of red and green and ...

The purpose of this investigation is to assess patterns of inheritance within several families and survey individual members of the family to separate members of those with a sweet tooth from those wh ...

Determine if color of a garment affects the length of time required to dry. The goal of the project is to obtain cotton, linen, and silk garments in different colors and compare the length of time for ...